Sunday, March 9, 2008

public schools by owen and julia

many angry whites would attack the colored schools because they didnt want them to learn.This happened at all colored schools.many colored kids changed to home schooling.

From 1620 to 1840 almost all schools were either private church schools or private charity schools.  Public schools made little progress until the ''social panic of the 1840's''.  then the school centralizers began the fight over public schools against the republic.  But the republic became distracted with the immigration of 3.5 million Irish immigrants which distracted and scared the republic enough to let the school centralizers win the fight over public schools.
Until the 1840's most schools used the bible and other religious literature but in the ''1840's concession'' it required that theological distinctions be taught at home or at church.  Then they slowly started to take out the big questions of life out of school like ''where did I come from'' ''is there any purpose of life'' ''is there life after the grave''      

Back in 1854, school out on the frontier was different from today. the kids wouldnt go to school in september.They would go in november.They did that because the kids would stay home to harvest and pick apples and pears and ect.Then when it got to november they would go to school.In class THere was kids of all colors.They would all be in one room.They would be sepperated in class by books.Then later the kids would do a report on the book and they would have to recite it to the class or to the teacher quitly.In the winter most boys would stay home to take care of the farm.The older boys would never go to school in the summer because of the class there would be kids that are 3 and 4 and there would be kids older than the teacher.
Sometimes the students were given a Reward of Merit, which showed them that they had done well. It was an honor to receive this certificate because paper and printed materials were scarce on the frontier.

1 comment:

BelThorne said...

wonderful wonderful bravo