Carry Amelia Nation, previously Carry Amelia Moore, started a movement for the prohibition of alcohol. At 6 ft tall, and 175 pounds, she was known to enter a bar(at the time, an alcohol serving establishment) and massacre the bar with a hatchet. She lived from November 25, 1846, to June 9th, 1911. She was married to a severe alcoholic who died one year after their daughter was born. She published her first chapter in 1892 in the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and in May of the 1900, she started her full crusade. She was beaten to death by a "joint" owner in Montana. People are known to believe that women's rights would not be the same without her.
More Information about her Here
(click the HERE)
Helena, Franks Project Team.
Was she a Women's Activist as well? (You say many people believe that women's rights wouldn't be the same without her.)
What all did she accomplish? It sounds like she made a difference.
Mariah Shriner, Frank's Project Team
Where did these events acure, was it all in Montana?
Megan Beal,
Frank's Design Team
Carry Nation campaigned to ban alcohol in Kansas, I'm not too sure about Montana, but I'll reserch it, and let you know!
It is a common belief that, Carry did most of her work for God, not exactly for her or others rights. I personally think people believe that because she went to jail over a hundred and fifty times, and had the thought that alcohol destroyed families, so therefore she was looking out for women everywhere, by seeing in her own eyes that it can tear them apart.
You can go here to see why Carry believed alcohol should be banned(This is the 18th Amendment in the Bible.)
And you can go here, to see about the Volstead act(About the prohibitation of alcohol)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volstead_Act
Helena, Franks Project Team
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