The C.S.S Virginia, also called the Merrimack. Its called the Merrimack by the North, because the North had a shipyard in Virginia. But when Virginia left the North and became a South state the shipyard was overtaken by Confederates. When the Union evacuated the shipyard they destroyed the U.S.S Merrimack, but in a hurry they failed to completely destroy her. The Confederates saved what they could of the Merrimack wooden ship, from the remains they made the C.S.S Virgina. On board the Virginia were ten cannons, at the front of the ship was a sold ed iron claw like thing. That they used to ram other ships, which is how the Virginia took out the Cumberland, a Union ship. At the battle of Hampton Roads, the Virgina destroyed, and sank the Cumberland. Then moved on to destroy the other Union wooden ship Congress. The caption of the Virgina had a brother on the Congress but he still proceed to destroy it. Later they burned it after letting the ship men evacuate. The Monitor arrived the next day, to stop the Virgina in her next attack.
Megan Beal,
Frank's Design Team
What was the resualt of the Monitor coming? What happened?
Mariah shriner, Frank's Project Team
why are you writing so many post things?
I think the CSS Virginia (Merrimack) was the winner of this engagement. I'm having an argument with myself about this. Come join in at:
Monitor vs Merrimack
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