Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Quaker Background

  • Quakers are also known as The Religious Society of Friends.
  • Began in England in the 1600's
  • In the early days it faced Opposition and Prosecution
  • Extended to East Africa and Americas
  • Pennsylvania (2nd state, became state in 1787) was founded by William Penn as a safe place to live and practice their religion
  • They were a significant part of abolishing slavery and other movements

Mariah Shriner, Frank's Project Team


BelThorne said...

What role did Quakers play as abolitionists? Can you please provide more information about the activities of these abolitionists and how they moved the nation forward towards ending slavery? Thanks!
Frank - project manager

BelThorne said...

Quakers often served as Underground Railroad conducters, helping the slaves to freedom. I find out more. I believe they resisted some of the laws too and were an "annoyance".

Mariah Shriner (Author), Frank's Project Team