The Navelty was one of the entries in the Rainhill Trials. It was built by John Ericsson and John Braithwaite. This Design was based on road steam carriages. Navelties are a upright boilers. This was built in six weeks and weighing 2-3 tons. It was one of the smaller entries.
Eva D., Frank's Project team
What is an entry? can you give a little more information. The posting is not very clear for someone who has no idea what you are talking about and no background information.
Mariah Shriner, Frank's Project Team
Whos John Braithwaite? What were these made for? Did they improve anything?
Megan Beal,
Frank's Design Team
The illustration in fact shows 'Salamanca' which did not take part in the Rainhill Trials. More info can be found all over the web including here:
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