C.S.S. stands for Confederates State Ship.
The Virginia was in the Hampton Roads battle against the U.S.S. (Union State Ship) Monitor. It hit the Monitor 25 times and got hit 20 times. The Monitor tried to ram the Virginia but it didn't do much damage. Eventually won the battle and the Monitor sunk.
Eva Daliana, Frank's Project Team
Your facts are wrong! The USS Monitor did not go down in battle but later was told to head south and got lost in a storm and sunk. Please next time use true facts!
Megan Beal,
Frank's Design Team
sorry about that.
What does this mean:
"Eventually won the battle and the Monitor sunk."?
Could you fix this?
Mariah Shriner, Frank's Project Team
Could you include information on how the U.S.S Monitor sunk? Maybe someone should make a post devoted to how the Monitor sunk since there has been different information on different posts. I don't know what is right. Someone should set this straight. We don't want to disgrace the name of Belthorne.
Mariah Shriner, Frank's Project Team
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