This is a poster-
advertisement for a steam ship to
California to 'make your fortune.'
(all though this is from
Nicaragua, we just want to
state a fact about
Chinese: at the
beginning of the
California gold rush, there are around 7
Chinese in
California. The three years following, there are about 20,000 and still more
arriving! Anyway...)
California gold rush was a time of huge expanding for the us
because of all he immigrants who came in and settled and because and the huge economic boom that
happened in the state. We think the
California gold rush is
actually kind of funny in it's own way because although
EVERYONE who came to
California during the gold rush was there to make money. The reason this is funny is
because the miners
themselves rarely made any money(they often came with more than they l
eft with) but people how made companies that sold mining picks and such (and the people that owned the land) became ridiculously rich.
One more fact: since the
economic boom happened so fast, the prices for everyday things(like water) soared in price. Since the miners were (
temporarily) rich, some of them didn't mind spending as much as $100 for a glass of water in a bar!!!

Above: (Please exuse the mild 'jack----' langauge: you know what they mean)

Above: An
American man(free) finds gold.

Above: Some unlucky white miners
-Peter and Logan
Deborah's class